Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Milwaukee Brewers in First Place!!!!

I know this isn't a sports blog. I have to show my home team's some support!! The Green Bay Packers won the superbowl and now my Milwaukee Brewers are in first place with the Cardinals sweep! I was happy to be able to go to the Saturday game this weekend and root for my home team!

Too many beers/long island's might make you cut your friends out of your pictures.

Just sayin'.

Let's keep it up Brew Crew!!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was wonderful... lots of dancing, sport watching and eating. My weekends are meant for play. Sometimes I forgot about the workouts. Dancing counts though, right?

This was my super scrumptious dinner yesterday evening. I had a grilled veggie burger with sauteed onions and mushrooms (in vegetable broth) + spinach and strawberry salad with sliced almonds. Light, fresh and filling. Perfection on a summer night!!! I love using my grill.

Fashion for today:

Express shirt and skirt
Fergilicious heels

Have a great Tuesday!

I am looking forward to updating you on my garden progress!!



  1. i love spinach salads in the summer time.... especially with fruit nuts and a lil goat cheese :)

  2. My husband was at the game this Saturday too! Of course he was wearing a Cardinals shirt and a Cubs hat and not cheering for either team! I know, I know. I Love, love baseball. But I'm forever a die hard Cards fan.
